this is your banner's space: Paypal 0,1 $/ month

this is your banner's space: Paypal 0,1 $/ month
write here :krifufa(...)

2012. április 20., péntek

New users

  • Receive 250 points on Points2Shop or $.50 on Cashle for signing up!
  • Click the green thumb  in the shoutbox to vote for people who give good advice. 
  • Some offers are "delayed payment" and while you are welcome to complete them, points earned from these offers are withheld until you reach Gold level or when the completion date has been longer than 2 months. 


  • Get your account verified for payments!
Bronze level requirements
Verify your addressNot done yet


  • Reliable manual offers are available. 
  • Challenge people to compete with you in a one-on-one game. 
  • Tag offers to classify and label them. 
  •  Advice rating is disabled after Silver, concentrate on giving advice. 
Silver level requirements
- Your level must be at least bronzeCurrent: New
Earn at least $10.00 by completing offers$0.3
Have no more than than 5% of your offers denied by an administrator (only occurs on fraud)$0.0
Complete at least 10 offers7 offers


  • INSTANT PayPal payments when you withdraw cash earnings to your PayPal account.  '
  • Additional offers from introductory advertising partners are available. 
  • All offers are with the "delayed payment" are awarded. 
  • You will be able to donate points to your friends that are at least gold level
  • Many new offers will be available for you to complete.
  • Doubleclick the remove icon  to remove inappropriate forum and shoutbox messages. 
Gold level requirements
- Your level must be at least silverCurrent: New
Earn at least $25.00 by completing offers$0.3
- Make at least one payment (withdraw or amazon)1 payments
Your oldest approved offer must be at least 2 months old2012-01-30 00:45:28


  • Receive a 250 point bonus.
  • Your username becomes green in the shoutbox.
Platinum level requirements
- Your level must be at least goldCurrent: New
Earn at least 100 dollars by completing offers$0.3
Refer at least 10 members2 referrals


  • Receive a 250 point bonus.
  • Your username becomes black in the shoutbox.
Elite level requirements
- Your level must be at least platinumCurrent: New
Earn at least 400 dollars by completing offers$0.3
- You must be a member for 9 monthsYou joined: 2012-01-30 00:23:21


  • Receive a free P2S t-shirt (has yet to be designed by community)
  • Allowed to choose one icon to be added to shoutbox, with shortkey :username:
  • Your username becomes turquoise in the shoutbox.
Diamond level requirements
- Your level must be at least eliteCurrent: New
Earn at least 800 dollars by completing offers$0.3
Refer at least 50 members2 referrals
- You must be a member for 12 monthsYou joined: 2012-01-30 00:23:21


  • Receive a 250 point bonus.
  • Your username becomes dark brown in the shoutbox.
Legend level requirements
- Your level must be at least diamondCurrent: New
Earn at least 1600 dollars by completing offers$0.3
Refer at least 100 members2 referrals
- You must be a member for 16 monthsYou joined: 2012-01-30 00:23:21

If You Refer a User From ...You Will Earn ...
1st Tier: UK or US
  • - $0.50 per registration*
  • - $0.50 once your referral completes an offer
  • - $0.00 High Quality Bonus*
* payout amount depends on quality of referral.
click here to see detailed payment scale
2nd Tier: CA, NO, AM, JP, IE, GR, VE, SE, NL, DO, ES
  • - $0.01 per registration
  • - $0.20 cents once your referral completes an offer.
3rd Tier: PT, LK, BD, ID, FI, UG, IN, KE, NZ, AW, HK, AU, BE, AD, DE, AE, NP, RO, DK, HU, ZA
  • - $0.01 per registration
  • - $0.10 cents once your referral completes an offer.
4th Tier: All Other Countries
  • - $0.01 per registration
  • - $0.01 cents once your referral completes an offer.

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/* Start */ body, a:hover {cursor: url(, url(, progress !important;} /* End */ Cute Finding Nemo